By ciammmm - 08/04/2016 00:23 - United States - Sierra Vista

Today, nearing the end of my pregnancy, I went to a local pool. While attempting to swim on my stomach, I turned a little to the left, and buoyancy took over and I ended up belly-up and flailing, causing a very large man to then laugh so hard, he choked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 328
You deserved it 2 384

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This comment made me laugh incredibly hard. Thank you.

Top comments

That sucks but there are some things you have to watch out for when your pregnant such as that. I'm not saying don't swim but just be extra careful


I would have flat out told the guy that's what he gets for laughing at human nature.

Malsain_fml 10

It was not buoyancy. It was the baby taking over for being better than you at swimming. A champion is on the way!

This comment made me laugh incredibly hard. Thank you.

OP, your FML made me laugh incredibly hard! Awkward for you, but thanks for posting this and making my day!

If it's a girl then it would have to be guirlancy.

Wouldn't the baby die from underwater? I'm just kidding

What part of that would be funny? Why did you think putting just kidding would save you? That's why you're getting so many dislikes.

Whale-ho! Raise the belly! Rudder hard to port! PREPARE FOR BATTLE!

Yes because she totally did that on purpose with her magical choking powers, idiot

Honestly I probably would've laughed too. You have to admit it was a little funny.

Fyl, but that guy totally deserved it

That's pretty cute :3 hehe I'm glad you got to go swimming near the end of your pregnancy op!