By Jenny - 28/12/2017 15:30 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I discovered the importance of having sex before marriage. We found out that my husband is gay on our wedding night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 930
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh honey, he knew. He just didn't want to tell you.

09051308288 17

He could have just become honest with you in the first place.


ohsnapword 21

Well of course he's gay. Everyone is gay on their wedding nigh...OH, you mean THAT kind of gay?

This is why test driving you spouse-to-be is important. That and to make sure you're not revolted by each other's fetishes.

I'm just gonna make ONE adjustment to this here: YOU found out he was gay. He's known.

PenguinPal3017 19

The fact that he was okay with waiting until your wedding night before having sex with you should have tipped you off.

A lot of people abstain until marriage. The problem was her fiance didn't tell her something very important--in fact, hid it from her.

This is just stupid and insulting. If you want to make an argument for or against sex before marriage, go for it. But don’t bring gay into it. For one thing, plenty of gays have heterosex before and during marriage, then come out later because they get tired of living a lie. Plus there’s a lot more to being gay than what gives you a boner.

WeirdUS 29

He might just not be sexually attracted to her. You can find someone cute and like their personality but don't not a fan of the body doesn't make them gay.

Please tell me what else gives gay men erections, outside of other men. I'm very interested in that.

onceuponatime456 16

Like straight men, erections show up whenever they feel like it!

Couldn't get it up and being gay are not the same thing.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no "we" in this instance. He had to have known at some point that he was not sexually attracted to you, even if he was romantically.

onceuponatime456 16

Nonsense! You did NOT find out on your wedding night! Well, maybe YOU did but your husband knew all along! However, if it was just a case of him not being able to get it up then he may not be gay but just had a case of nerves, it does happen!