By Jenny - 28/12/2017 15:30 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I discovered the importance of having sex before marriage. We found out that my husband is gay on our wedding night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 930
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh honey, he knew. He just didn't want to tell you.

09051308288 17

He could have just become honest with you in the first place.


CBL88 25

I assume by "we" you mean "I" - considering he already knew.

Mungolikecandy 19

How did he find out he was gay at that particular time? Did he make you dress as a man?

Honey...he knew. You were his insurance policy that his parents wouldn't find out.

Wasn't there a movie with this plot line? Although in that movie, he leaves her at the altar. There are lots of reasons not to wait--discovering that your intended is not attracted to you for whatever reason is a huge one. Hopefully you can get your marriage annulled, especially if you discovered he deceived you.

You definitely don't need to have sex to determine whether someone is gay or not.... you can still abstain until marriage but know you are attracted to each other. Ever heard of sexual tension?

Ok, so, wait, did you take off all of your clothes and he looked at you in confusion and said "where is your penis?"

404wan 19

yeah... no. asexual, maybe. but gay? no. he could have found out he was not attracted to you, but then he actively choose to marry someone he felt no sexual feelings for. If he did "discover" that he's gay he discovered that a long time ago and choose you, because you're this gullible, to be his beard. congratulations, your relationship is a sham and that's exactly how he planned it.