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By Anonymous - 27/04/2022 16:00

Today, my older sister dragged us to a restaurant that charged us $80 a piece for 8 mouthfuls of food. She does this all the time. When our youngest sister defended her, it removed all doubt that our parents still pay her bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 851
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you're not obligated to go, right?

Typical passive-aggressive bullshit behavior. When it comes to choosing a restaurant, you sit back and contribute nothing and let your sister take control. And then you complain about her choice.


Typical passive-aggressive bullshit behavior. When it comes to choosing a restaurant, you sit back and contribute nothing and let your sister take control. And then you complain about her choice.

You know you're not obligated to go, right?

Marcella1016 31

To everyone criticizing OP, you missed the part where her sister DRAGGED her there. I can’t imagine how traumatic this all must be. OP, you should definitely sue your sister for kidnapping, false imprisonment, malnourishment, emotional and gastric distress, and literally garnishing your wages. Obviously, this is the best and only way to deal with this situation.