FML for mobile
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By TheComedyAudio - 23/10/2016 17:13

Today, on my 18th birthday, I was mugged by 6 guys who beat the shit out of me and stole my phone and wallet. They could've just asked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 084
You deserved it 750

TheComedyAudio tells us more.

Holy ******* shit, this story got published. Anyway, the police weren't able to do anything because they all ran off and were wearing hoodies that covered their faces. The police officer was very kind and did the best he could. My nose is swollen and my eyes are heavily bruised, but other than that I should be fine within the next few weeks. Thanks yall c:

Top comments

I feel so bad for you. Hope you can still enjoy the rest of your day.. Happy birthday!

Honestly, who the hell clicks "You deserved it" on a story like this? Hope you're OK OP.


Holy ******* shit, this story got published. Anyway, the police weren't able to do anything because they all ran off and were wearing hoodies that covered their faces. The police officer was very kind and did the best he could. My nose is swollen and my eyes are heavily bruised, but other than that I should be fine within the next few weeks. Thanks yall c:

Happy birthday! sorry you got mugged :c

OP comment is #1, what is FML coming to.

DeadxManxWalking 27

they'll get what's coming to them, how it all works out

Maybe because as soon as I got the confirmation email I immediately commented to tell the rest of my story? Lol

That's terrible!!! I hope the rest of your birthday was okay, all the best for the future!

Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful.

Your profile says you're 23? I'm confused, sorry! :p

alicat089 18

maybe this is one of those things that happened 4 years ago and he's just now telling the story lol

This happened on June 29th of this year, on my actual birthday haha. I didn't think about posting it until today. I also did lie about my age on my profile, so you're both right :p

why lie about being 18 when you're only 23? :o

#40, he lied being 23 when he's actually 18.

Honestly, who the hell clicks "You deserved it" on a story like this? Hope you're OK OP.

Thanks. I'll be alright. They'll get what's coming to them

Either trolls or people who accidentally hit the button while scrolling. They should really make it so you can undo a vote.

mariri9206 32

I feel so bad for you. Hope you can still enjoy the rest of your day.. Happy birthday!

That's life's way of telling you welcome to adulthood. (Happy birthday op)

Happy Birthday OP! Sorry this happened to you. Did you have to go the ER?

I did not. No serious injuries. I'm just happy I'm alive. Could've been alot worse

Ur eyes look bad in ur photo. I'm hoping that it does not heart as bad as it looks ok

I'm so sorry OP!! This is one of those FML's no one deserves. I hope karma bites those guys in the ass and that your birthday wasn't completely horrible! Happy birthday!

Birthday punches are out of the way at least...

Can you maybe use a "find my phone" tracking program? As far as I know most modern phones have one.

We tried. Phone was off so it couldn't work