By peejay6831 - 23/09/2013 06:27 - United States

Today, one of my regular customers asked when we were getting married. I told him as much as I would love that, I didn't think my boyfriend would be very happy. He called me a "stuck up b*tch" and informed me he only comes to my line because he can always see through my shirt. He is 72. And married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 840
You deserved it 4 925

peejay6831 tells us more.

I wear a mandatory black polo at work that's easily a quarter inch thick, seeing through it isn't even possible! I just told him to have a nice day.. pretty sure he missed his meds

Top comments

You think that calling someone a "stuck up bitch" is cute just because he is old??

You never know he might have x-ray vision o.O


an3ph 20

Wearing thick curtains wouldn't stop some people from seeing through clothing.

bigmammajamma69 4

He just thinks he can see your buxoms

DorkAlert 10

Probably married his wife because he could see through her shirt to. Now he wasn't something unsaggy again.