By gingerninja - 02/11/2010 17:43 - United Kingdom

Today, our class was focusing on discrimination, and our teacher asked us if anyone had ever felt discriminated against. I put my hand up to share a story, and my teacher immediately said "It's because you're ginger, isn't it?" That's not what I was going to say. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 480
You deserved it 7 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure it was what you were thinking. ... Honestly, though, I've always wanted red hair. It's so nice. :)


mikey86 0

don't feel bad. I'm a Ginger too

Peanutbutter4 0

gingers have no soul. they fall from trees and they have special communicating powers!

You dont know who has a soul, and who doesn't. Youre not god!

Illyssa_fml 4

As a Ginger I can safely say we do have souls, many souls. We steal them through direct eye contact.

Oh my, my boyfriend is a ginger and is the best boyfriend ever!

This is ******* awesome!! hope the OP could laugh it off.. If not hang in there pal. Ginga pride, chur