By Sir_ND_Pity - 11/03/2013 19:57 - United States - Fresno

Today, since I hadn't eaten and was about to have a three hour class, I bought Panda Express. I sat opposite my classroom to eat. Soon after I started eating, a wad of saliva dropped into my bowl, and I heard someone yell "BONUS POINTS!" from the second floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 003
You deserved it 3 547

Sir_ND_Pity tells us more.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

I know the wording makes it a bit confusing, but, yes, someone somehow spit into my bowl from the second floor :-/ unfortunately, I didn't see who did it so I wasn't able to even so much as confront them about it. I guess you could say I'm an unfortunate cookie!

Top comments

Some people need to be sterilized.

Meenah_fml 4

As awful as that is, their aim was pretty impressive.


That's disgusting!!!!! I'll be mad as **** . Don't play around with my food!!!

It is horrible that this happened to you, but just to be safe at all times don't seat über a balcony while eating food, or at all (at school). People are cruel, don't make it easier for then by being an easy target. Not trying to be mean, just trying to give you advice.

I feel really bad for the OP. that must've been painfully humiliating in what seems to be a lecture hall I believe. A spit wad or gum thrown at someone is one thing, but to spit right in their food is a pretty ****** up thing to do.

OP, since you sat opposite the class, I am assuming that you are the instructor? If this is true, pop quiz time. Make it worth enough to be detrimental to everyones grade and make the questions impossible. I guarantee someone will spill as to whom it was.

wafflefriez91 17

I would have punched them panda express is not cheap.

Have to say, that is the most disgusting thing I have heard in a long time. I would find that scumbag. He could replace your food and I would be reporting that to the powers that be. In this day and age with all we know of viruses and parasites people should know better.