By mary - 09/08/2012 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, some guy asked me if he could borrow my lighter. I said "of course," reached into my handbag, and gave him the lighter. He stared at me for a few seconds until I realised I'd given him a tampax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 015
You deserved it 6 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet that lighter is a bit agitating in your vag OP

How did you manage to confuse your tampax for a lighter?


SwtCherryPie 26

I had a similar thing happen to me... sorta. I work as a server in a restaurant and had a tampon in the same pocket as my extra ink pens. I went to take a family's order and whipped out my bright purple tampon package instead of my ink pen. I was so embarassed but it was amusing to everyone else.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

If I would of been that guy I would of just laughed it off and said something witty. I'm sure he wasn't horrified, but I understand how that would of been embarrassing.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Ahh..I have a habit of doing that.. People like you will help me fix that. Thanks haha.

Since you made that mistake, are you SURE he was a guy?

This gives "Come on baby, light my fire" a whole new meaning.

I set fire to your tampons Watched it burn as your pants turned red

Jewbenita 0

most people can tell the difference between a lighter and a tampon when they take it out of their bag...were you searching with your eyes closed?

mahoney94 6

This is not an FML. I'm sure the guy didn't care. You just say oops and grab your lighter instead. Problem solved.

CadillacPimpen 6

She could have thought he meant lighter as in "tampax lighter flow"

How can you not tell the difference between a lighter and a tampon? YDI