By mary - 09/08/2012 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, some guy asked me if he could borrow my lighter. I said "of course," reached into my handbag, and gave him the lighter. He stared at me for a few seconds until I realised I'd given him a tampax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 015
You deserved it 6 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet that lighter is a bit agitating in your vag OP

How did you manage to confuse your tampax for a lighter?


A tampax and a lighter don't even FEEL the same -.-

jem970 19

It's ok OP! I'm sure if he liked you he will think its cute. Some guys like a girl to mess up every now and again!

naduskalove 3

Bahahahaha !! I am sorry but this is hilarious, must have been embarrassing but at least you learned a lesson ( which Is)-> Look inside your bag first instead of taking out staff randomly.

helli2gudbyee 11

Your life doesnt suck, but that was funny as hell XD.

YDI for smoking AND for not realizing the difference between a tampon and a lighter. Even I could tell the difference and I don't use either.

carminecris89 13

There is nothing wrong with people who smoke. Don't be a self righteous dick.

how do you know they smoke? I carry a lighter and I've never smoked in my life.

How big is your bag that u mixed tht up?

How lazy are you that you couldn't write out "you" and "that"?

Funniest part of this for me was imagining the guys face.

If he's over age 10 he knows that girls get their periods. If he's not mature enough to get over a mistake you made while doing him a favor, that's his problem.

Well thank goodness someone said it. Girls get their periods. Girls use pads and tampons. People need to get over it. Honest mistake. If pulling a tampon out of your bag is that mortifying, maybe OP is still too young to be smoking. At the very least, she probably has some maturing to do too.

mrsmathers17531 5

Were you high? It seems you'd have to be to mistake a tampax for a lighter....