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By herpderp - 11/02/2009 00:41 - United States

Today, someone in class was making a point about premarital intercourse - "90% of teen virgins aren't saving it for marriage, they just can't get any." Another classmate pointed me out specifically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 403
You deserved it 3 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

What's so wrong with being a virgin? It's cool to wait. It means you don't have to worry about pregnancy or STD's... I'm almost 20, and I'm a virgin by choice. I want to wait until marriage, because I think it's romantic to share that with just one person, for that to be special.

Prove your classmate wrong and go out and get laid. Unless of course you ARE waiting for marriage in which case I say good luck with all that.


Personally, I don't get many offers but I turn down the ones I do get because I don't want to be a complete failure my first time. Whoever said that, to heck with them, wait till whenever you're ready, whether that be when you're married or whatever. And #28, I'm 19 going on 20 and in the same situation, the right one may not have come along yet.

I waited till I was 19 , was never in a hurry bcuz all my friends were pregnant in HS. it's better to wait Till you find someone you love, the sex is sooooo much better !

blo0_starZz 0

plus, if u had sex now, the guys/girls wud want u cuz u wud do it with them, not bcuz of ur personality. so if u hv a gf/bf it means they really luv u & rnt in it for the sex(:

This is when you say, "Get glasses dear, this is not a mirror."

ArielTheMermaid 17

I guess I'm in that 10% then

StudMuffinette 17

FYL bro. but why are you trying to have sex as a teenager anyway? only in New Jersey... xD

Because sex is fun, and if you use a condom, pretty safe? It's just a way to have a good time, I see no reason why teens shouldn't do it.

Fay303 5

That's true, I'm fat and get offers all the time. But I'm waiting. Not all fat chicks have such low self esteem that you can get them into bed with alcohol and a few compliments.

KalCountry76 12

I'm 17 and I'm still a virgin because I want to be. Most of my friends lost their virginity already and personally, I think they are idiots. Not because they lost them, but because they did it by the spur of the moment or just to do it. Waiting till marriage is a good thing because then you know you made the right choice. But marriage or not, I beleive it's about finding the right person, not sport.

Right person, yes. Waiting until marriage? I don't believe so. It's 'the right person' because you know you're 'compatible' in all way, sexually included. If it's really, really bad sex, then you're going to be unhappy because you didn't 'try it out' before. I lost my virginity a few weeks before I turned 17, and I felt I was 'late', but I didn't care. I wanted to wait for the right person to do it with. Looking back, I know it felt right at the time. I loved the person I was with, but if I'd known the person I loved more - who I thought didn't love me - would've told me two weeks later that he did, I would've waited. But I don't regret doing it. And honestly... once you've done it the first time, you realize how unimportant it really is. At least, that's how it was for me.