By InDebt - 04/02/2016 04:47 - United States - Morgantown

Today, Southwest officially called off the search for my lost baggage and asked me to file a claim for reimbursement. My bag had $2000 worth of dental instruments, which I won't get any compensation for since the airline doesn't take any liability for valuable items. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 490
You deserved it 1 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

0 liability for valuable items? when are they liable then? For my $3 tube of toothpaste?

Buy a new drill. Invite them over for free treatment. Hold them hostage. Should get the loss covered and then some.


vb68_fml 28

Well I guess you know who not to fly with next time...

They gave me $5000 for all my stuff to when they lost my luggage

go to those baggage auctions, you know the one they make a tv show about. I have seen some of those eps, and i can very clearly see that some of the bags have the NAME AND ADDRESS of the owner on them. The airline really doesn't care about your bags, they just want to sell them and make cash.

Just ship 'em next time mate. Hit up a shipping office in the terminal and sometimes you can fly on the same plane.