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The old switcheroo

By Anonymous - 05/09/2019 06:06

Today, I was unable to go on my dream vacation because I thought I'd lost my passport. Feeling incredibly stupid, I had no choice but to watch my plane depart without me. Shortly after, my brother handed me passport, saying that since I wasn't going on my trip, I could use my refund to pay for his cat's surgery. My trip was non-refundable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 934
You deserved it 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me get this straight. Your brother stole your passport in hopes that you'd pay for his cat's surgery with the money from the trip he kept you from going on? Money you can't even get? You should make him buy you a new plane ticket.

tounces7 27

Lots of asshole family members on this site for sure.


Let me get this straight. Your brother stole your passport in hopes that you'd pay for his cat's surgery with the money from the trip he kept you from going on? Money you can't even get? You should make him buy you a new plane ticket.

tounces7 27

Lots of asshole family members on this site for sure.

Your brother is a asshole. Or very desesperate. Or both. Ask him to refund your ticket or sue him. He stole your passport so you would pay for his cat's surgery, if you let him get away with it, he can turn worse in the future. And keep your most important belongings (ID papers, car papers ...) locked somehere your brother can't reach. Sorry about your trip.

samomaha 17

Reporting the passport stolen could be a huge hassle. First of all, it is a federal crime to report it stolen. Once you've reported it stolen, it cannot be used again no matter the circumstances. A new passport must be ordered, at a cost (in the USA) of $145. The brother would be charged with anything from attempted fraud to terrorism with a lot of other posisble charges in between. Sounds like a whole lot of bother for the brothers actions, which, BTW, were despicable. Just take him out in the country, beat the sh!t out of him, and dump him!

You can't get a cash refund. You still have credit with the airline minus an exorbitant "change fee." Even with the reduced balance, you should be able to buy your brother's cat a one-way ticket to hell.

It’s not like the cat has anything to do with it. Only the brother is a douche

Oh, dear! You made the rookie mistake of taking me seriously. Airlines don't let cats fly unaccompanied. Also, no airlines publish fares to Hell. Except Spirit.

tr3yr 13

The airline should’ve just put you in stand by for another flight. Am I missing something?

Replacing a passport usually takes a few weeks. And I assume they had their hotel booked as well, and I don't think they'd also be willing to change to booking last notice to a few weeks later.

icalledhisname 12

The OP didn’t have their passport. Can’t get on a plane without it. I assume the brother didn’t give it back until OP was home.

ViviMage 39

You can get on a plane without a passport, this has happened before, but customs at the other end will catch it and send you back on the next plane back to your country if you can't produce it.

tr3yr 13

I am saying how could he not catch the next flight because typically if you kiss your flight airlines most of the time are nice and put you in the next one. OP stated “his brother handed the passport back.”

They said "shortly after," which could mean a few hours to a few weeks, the meaning is subjective. The brother might have waited until it was too late and then gave it back. Which makes him a major douchebag.

sooooo did you knock your brother out because that a little deliberate

Trinity Fenwick 7

too bad you can't get the $ back. you're gonna need it to pay for your brother's funeral. he did that in purpose, what a dumbass asshat.

I would kick your btother's ass into next year.

I'd say that your brother sounds like a narcissistic asshole and needs to be reminded (very firmly and without leaving obvious bruises) that what you do with your life is not up to him to dictate and then take your money back from his wallet. if he refuses to pony up, sue his ass.

Your brother owes you all of that money and I'd seriously want to beat the crap out of him...