By nicooolea - 03/03/2009 08:26 - United States

Today, the 75 year old blinding owner of the bar I work at called me over and told me to fire "Rachel, the stupid c**t after the next wrong thing she does". My name is Rachel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 286
You deserved it 3 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you have some job security, unless you fire yourself.

What name did he use to call you over with?


UpperSanctuary 0

Man, that would suck, sorry you're getting fired.

Punch him in the face and tell him 'opps I just did a wrong thing, I have to fire myself now' I hate assholes.

holynemesis1208 3

as long as he didn't tell that to anyone else at least you know you have job security because your not gonna fire yourself.

At this point, this is when you decide to rearrange the tables at the bar and put something on the toilet seat

Don't worry, normal managers have a one week memory span. With a guy that senile, I would give him an hour or two before he forgets about this.

skoodog 0

If you don't suck at your job this means only 1 thing... Others are blaming you for stuff you didn't do or their own mistakes... or just bitching. They're the real c**ts. Since that's almost certain the case (as everyone screws up moderately) I would say this is a good FMY. Cos F***ed it sure is.

OMGyoupeople 0

you do know you can sue for sexual harassment right? the word "c**t" is sexually offensive. good luck Rebecca ;)

and you know you can talk things out and keep your dignity and not be a whiny douchebag right? Good luck pussy.