By AkaiKitsune - 02/04/2017 14:34
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Honestly you deserved it...based off what you said alone, and without context, the only person that suffered was your buddy.
He should've tried to wake you up. Oh my god, such a stupid dutiful cop.
From the sound of it, you shouldn't fault the cops for pulling your friend over. I mean, an unresponsive person wrapped in a blanket cocoon in the back of a truck would give off some warning signals to most people. Even if they're not dead, there has to be a reason for them to be in that state and then it's better to find out the reason when a serious crime could've been comitted.
How dumb can you get?
I wanna know why you were I a body bag in the first place.
I'd rather a cop have pulled you over and it be a false alarm than if the cop had just disregarded and actually let a real murderer go.
I dont know if this is illegal everywhere, but at least where I'm from, riding in the truckbed without seats or anything is illegal in itself
I'm in Florida and it's perfectly legal if you're over 15 (might be wrong about age but I know it's pretty young)
NJ doesn't allow it. But down south seems to be more tolerant.
I live in Washington, really close to the border to Idaho. It's illegal in Washington state, but once you cross the border to Idaho you see it now and then because it's legal there. It's really funny because sometimes I've forgotten I'm in Idaho when I see it happen and I worry for a second.
in Washington state it is legal as long as you are over 16 and all seats with belts are taken.

From the sound of it, you shouldn't fault the cops for pulling your friend over. I mean, an unresponsive person wrapped in a blanket cocoon in the back of a truck would give off some warning signals to most people. Even if they're not dead, there has to be a reason for them to be in that state and then it's better to find out the reason when a serious crime could've been comitted.
Okay, we need the full story on this one.