By fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuc - 02/04/2014 21:22 - Denmark - Herning

Today, the girl I've been dating for two weeks brought up the topic of marriage, then started asking me when we're moving in together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 120
You deserved it 6 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean it's been two weeks and you haven't proposed yet?


How can I put this simply... RUN BRO GET THE **** OUTTA THERE THEN HAVE YOUR PARENTS MAIL ALL YOUR SHIT TO THE CABIN IN THE WOODS YOU'LL BE LIVING IN. (Make sure to have a sniper tower, you'll need it ; )

yikes **** that, its time to run away as fast as you can!

Richsauce50 9
Renna303 12

Well my parents got engaged after 2 weeks and now it's been 20+ years and they are still happily married