By Anonymous - 04/04/2015 10:16 - India

Today, the girl I've been seeing for less than a week started raging and ended up threatening me with a knife, after I shot down her idea of getting married next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 336
You deserved it 3 454

Same thing different taste


conman531 23

Way too many FML's like this

Someone is ccrraazzzzzy! Run as fast as you can.

Run rum run. But have some fun sex first-time crazy girls are the most fun in bed.

bryce0110 23

I hate that people like this actually exist...

Be like forest gump and don't stop running

I usually like to play devil's psychologist on FMLs that feature a women who appears to have abandonment issues that make her rapidly attached to someone in an unhealthy way because I believe in shattering stigma around mental health issues (because behaving like that IS a mental health issue) but this one I can't wrap my head around. Only a week and then resorts to pulling a knife? I never say this, but OP, RUN!

Will your wedding be at the psychiatric ward?