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What the F, lady?

By Anonymous - 01/09/2012 00:49 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, the girl I went on an awkward date with two weeks ago showed up at university and started smashing my car with a bat. She then broke down in tears and alternated between declaring her love, and cussing me out for "cheating" on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 201
You deserved it 2 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You may not know it, but you two have been going out for years. It's just that most of the time, on your dates, she's hiding in the bushes.

Corrupt_waffles 13

Well now you know why it would have been bad had you actually started consistently dating her. :/


Corrupt_waffles 13

Well now you know why it would have been bad had you actually started consistently dating her. :/

Love the reference to another fml. Works perfectly

Seriously, if you like a comment just thumbs up. Don't waste valuable comment space parroting the person in front of you.

Now that you know, please don't give crazy a baby.

She or her parents has to pay for your car. I'd go ahead and make it happen.

If she's a crazy B, it's cause she wants the D. Hehe

Haha! time to ring triple 000 and suggest she see's a shrink(after the police arrive or she'll start swinging at you).

bizarre_ftw 21

Well? Did you cheat? Also, call the cops and get her forcibly medicated

He just went on an 'awkward' date with her, I'd say there's no solid commitment there to cheat on her.

Maybe I'm weird but unless he asked her out one "date" doesn't mean they are "dating"...but what do I know.

Not gonna lie, #4, your picture is exactly the kinda girl I pictured for being the cray offense.

deadxwedding84 5

Seriously, go hit HER car with a baseball bat.

off_constantly 8
Osito2011 9

Or you can lpoop on her door step everynight. Pray that she and her family gets the point and move far far away.

IPoop? Is that a toilet with a touch screen?

hopsinlove17 26

#5, because that's mature-_- there are better ways to handle a situation like this

ForS3ri0usn3ss 0

Some girls are just "bat" crazy... Get it? But seriously... Hope you reported her because she clearly needs help

Get it? No? Well its because she hit his car with a... Oh you do get it? Pretty funny eh? No?

Well it is a good thing you aren't dating her.

Right imagine what happened if they dated..... Bat and and a car still meet together most likely earlier hahaha

I wonder what made the date awkward. Then again I can only imagine how that went considering the way she acted.

notjustanybody20 9

Bitches be crazy! :D. Maybe you gave off wrong signs at the date.. That led her to beleive that you were enjoying her company?! No? Then she is plain crazy! Runnnnn

TheEpicMilkMan 13

Hey how do I hit you up? (i know what it means just can't find a button to message you) I'm from sydney