By ezrocks4u - 20/09/2015 13:58 - United States - Charlotte

Today, the nicest present I received for my 18th birthday was a free razor in the mail. It was then stolen by my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 007
You deserved it 1 704

ezrocks4u tells us more.

Hi, OP here. To give some context, I got a few t shirts for my birthday. My birthday was a month ago(thanks for the birthday wishes!) but only found out about the fact that my mom stole said razor a day ago, because I saw the package addressed to me in the trash. Needless to say, it is too late to steal back. I had posted another birthday FML(from the actual day of) never got posted. Got locked outside of my car in the rain for 3 hours, couldn't afford a locksmith, and missed my birthday dinner.

Top comments


Happy birthday! Try to steal it back before she uses it?

Hi, OP here. To give some context, I got a few t shirts for my birthday. My birthday was a month ago(thanks for the birthday wishes!) but only found out about the fact that my mom stole said razor a day ago, because I saw the package addressed to me in the trash. Needless to say, it is too late to steal back. I had posted another birthday FML(from the actual day of) never got posted. Got locked outside of my car in the rain for 3 hours, couldn't afford a locksmith, and missed my birthday dinner.

Damn! Tough luck, OP. Happy belated birthday anyway, I hope things get better.

It could be worse, On my 18th birthday a free razor in the mail was the only present I got. Thanks Gilette.

I swear I saw this FML in the moderation queue and Gillette was in it. Censorship by our FML overlords?

After reading the follow up, I don't really feel bad for you except for getting locked out in the rain. Perhaps you should practice gratitude.

34, perhaps you should practice minding your own damn business when you don't have anything useful to say. I don't know how many times I've been told I can manage my depression strictly by "practicing gratitude," and not only do those morons not understand depression, they also piss me off. At any rate, OP, I'm not sure if you're depressed or not, but that does sound like kind of a lousy birthday. I hope the rest of the year improves from there. If it makes you feel better, my mom's reaction to me turning 18 was to say, "Good. Now you're old enough to buy cigarettes for me."

No idea why you're getting downvoted so much #19. That sucks.

Is your mother Jeni Weller? I'm raising her kids and she steals from them every chance she gets.

Why didn't you just call someone to come get you so you wouldn't miss dinner? You could of called a cab, uber or the other car service. Or even call AAA because they'll open your car for free. I understand not being able to afford a locksmith but there are so many other ways to deal with something like this.

Maybe OP couldn't afford a cab or uber. And not everyone has AAA.

Honestly the fml of yours that didn't get posted sounds like one I've read before on here a long time back

Psycocharger 19

That sucks OP, hope you had a fantastic birthday anyways :D

Okay, maybe u didn't get anything but be grateful you've lived 18 years. Oh and happy birthday

I got that as well...proctor and gamble are quite nice

probably a Gillette, you mum needs "the best a man can get"

Yeah thanks Gillette! I got one to! And it wasn't even my birthday...

I hate to say it but the 'mile stone' birthdays tend to be the biggest disappointment. Too much hype. That said, your mother still sounds like a horrid person. No parent should steal from their kid.