By lene - 17/02/2009 21:53 - United States

Today, the ninth grade dean called me into his office to talk. He asked me if I was new, because it seemed like I was having trouble making friends. I've been going to the same school, with the same people, since kindergarten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 449
You deserved it 3 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idyedmyhairblack 0

aw the same thing happened to me! a girl in my school thought i was a new kid (we went to different middle schools but in the same town) i told her i was there my whole life, and she asked me why i didnt have any friends.. :( i dont hang out with her anymore...

grade 8 and 9 I have real troubles making friends. I was into the normal teenage girl things, not fat, mean, ugly (sure I may not be beautiful but I know I'm not ugly) , weird, too smart, too stupid, but then I started dressing like them and got a Facebook and BAM I had friends. it was seriously instant like that.


Idyedmyhairblack 0

aw the same thing happened to me! a girl in my school thought i was a new kid (we went to different middle schools but in the same town) i told her i was there my whole life, and she asked me why i didnt have any friends.. :( i dont hang out with her anymore...

grade 8 and 9 I have real troubles making friends. I was into the normal teenage girl things, not fat, mean, ugly (sure I may not be beautiful but I know I'm not ugly) , weird, too smart, too stupid, but then I started dressing like them and got a Facebook and BAM I had friends. it was seriously instant like that.

Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been... Lives in a dream...

I thumbed you up just for the Beatles reference....

SyndicatedAlias 0

I didn't have friends in my old highschool - a district I had been in since I started school when I was a I'm homeschooled. >>

"...just talking to the person who sits next to you in class about something funny that happened the day before is a great way to make new friends..." Maybe not *this* story, however.

I dob't have many friends at school, but that is because i like being alone in the silence.......It suits me. If you are like that then this would just be funny. If not then sorry.

At least the dean was trying to help make more friends talk more.

lolololcheese 0
junkinmahcranium 0

It bothers me when adults try to get involved like that. Especially high school. I wish they'd let us make our own friends. We're not children anymore, they don't need to step up and hold our hands and look both ways. Jeezus.

if you've been going there since kindergarten then you should have a few friends... even if you're freshmeat