By lene - 17/02/2009 21:53 - United States

Today, the ninth grade dean called me into his office to talk. He asked me if I was new, because it seemed like I was having trouble making friends. I've been going to the same school, with the same people, since kindergarten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 449
You deserved it 3 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idyedmyhairblack 0

aw the same thing happened to me! a girl in my school thought i was a new kid (we went to different middle schools but in the same town) i told her i was there my whole life, and she asked me why i didnt have any friends.. :( i dont hang out with her anymore...

grade 8 and 9 I have real troubles making friends. I was into the normal teenage girl things, not fat, mean, ugly (sure I may not be beautiful but I know I'm not ugly) , weird, too smart, too stupid, but then I started dressing like them and got a Facebook and BAM I had friends. it was seriously instant like that.


zebrapattern 6

why would you say you went to the "same school" since kindergarten? don't you mean school system?

doglover100 28

I've had people act like they didn't know who I was even though I had known them for years.

Spread your wings! Get out of your shell :-)

It's sometimes hard to be friends with people you've known forever. I went to the same school up until this year, and by the end I was horribly depressed and lonely. Now I'm at a new school and I'm making plenty of friends. If it gets too bad, switch schools.

I'd switch to a new school and be around people that don't know you.

Patsy Boren 19

I know how you felt.. It was the same for me when I was in school

wrenthecat 13

it seems odd he didn't check your records before he spoke to you.