By A continent away - 02/09/2014 19:48 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, the security at the airport were nice enough to remind me to take the laptop out of my bag. I wish they'd also reminded me to put it back in before I left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 976
You deserved it 13 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, but that's your responsibility. Don't blame other for your carelessness.

2ndSucks 15


Dont blame to others care your staff

cryssycakesx3 22

I can't wait for the English version of this comment to come out...

If they got payed to remind people, I'm sure this wouldn't have happened

I created an account to say to all of you commenting that she deserves it and should not be blaming others for her carelessness that is not the case at all. Lay off OP already, damn. She already feels bad enough already without all of you attacking her.

cryssycakesx3 22

well then her mistake for bringing it here to share with FML.

tony1891 22

today, I was lucky enough to get free laptop at work! it had a password FML

Remember to put your own shit in your bag. Do you need someone to hold your hand through your whole life?

You definitely deserved it, it's your laptop and your responsibility..