By jhftrainer23 - 05/08/2011 14:42 - United States

Today, the woman I'm training at work asked, while staring intently at the keyboard, "now, which one of these buttons is the space-bar again?" She is 80 years old, types about 1 word per minute, and I have just one week to get her completely trained. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 828
You deserved it 2 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mgsoloist 14

I think 36 couldn't find the space bar either.

kiran_fml 5

How does an 80 year old get a job while I can't? ?


Epsilonyx 15

The only time where age discrimination is ever preferable. Well, not really. But sucks for you!

amayalives4music 1

Hahhaha ^ he us tryna make a move and Are you kidding me. Girl my ass :P HE doesnt even look like a girl.

Sweej 1

And 80 year old with a job? Most people I know retired by 65... Unless she's pennyless then she shouldn't be working...

Sweej 1

Well, glad I live in Canada then.

No matter how bad things get, I'll never say I wish I lived in Canada.

Sweej 1

Enopola - Most people from a different country say that... But deep down inside you wish you lived in Canada everyone does. Free health care, and we're not trillions of dollars in debt, and our leader isn't an idiot trying to spend more money when he doesn't have it. Hell, I think you guys would be better off without a president.

Sorry Sweej, I don't wish that I lived in Canada...

iAmScrubs 19

At that rate, she will be typing thirty words in a half hour. That will be about the same as what I am typing right now. That is really fast in my opinion.

badass243 6

tell her the boss kills people over 70

^^ This. Can no one in the English-speaking world tell the difference any more? One man, one woman. Two men, two women. Not difficult!

Why do you get mad about something a stranger wrote on the internet?

lindseyluvszac 4

Sounds like they made a mistake hiring her. You're not a miracle-worker.. unless you are?

cynide 13

No chance, your screwed! Sorry

My grandfather's 89, so I think she might have a few years left in her. On the other hand, no-one is going to hire my grandfather. He's lovely, but a bit forgetful and his 'this isn't a good idea' switch is turned off.

dun1 3

My great grandfather was 104

I think u gunna hav a shitt lief if u cnt speek properly