By Matthew - 04/07/2018 22:30

Today, during science, my friend thought it would be funny to pour corrosive acids into the reaction test I was making. I had to explain to my parents why I have no eyebrows, but the worst part is that I only got a D. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 614
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is not a friend. That is an idiot who endangered yourself at the expense of his fun as well as ruined your grade.


That is not a friend. That is an idiot who endangered yourself at the expense of his fun as well as ruined your grade.

Your experiment failed dangerously and deserved an F, even though it was sabotaged by your so-called “friend.” I guess your teacher thought since your eyebrow can’t be raised, your grade might as well be.

ChromoTec 24

Your friend just wanted to gauge your reaction. No but seriously what part of corrosive acid do they not understand? What did expect to get from mixing dangerous chemicals? A flat screen?

Dustin Allen-Duwayne Lakey 16

Didn't you know that by mixing sulphuric acid with the proper amount of sodium dichloride you can pull a 70" plasma TV out of the test tube?

Hey, Adam Savage. That "friend" of yours needs to be thrown out with the rest of the trash.

WHSKitty 7

Why should you get the bad grade, when it wasn’t your fault?

You got a bad grade because of your friends actions? You definitely got the D on that one.

People with no eyebrows generally do not get the D, so congrats I guess