By Meganbear - 09/05/2018 09:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I brought my car into the shop because it kept picking up speed on its own and I was panicking. A mere $200 later, it turns out I didn’t put my car mat in right and it was sitting on my gas pedal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 766
You deserved it 4 023

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You’re lucky you live in nice, polite Canada where the Idiot Fee is only $200. Here in the US, they’d have soaked you for thousands!

Look, even if you know nothing about cars, I still don't understand how you wouldn't want to take a look yourself to see if anything wierd is where the pedals are.


You’re lucky you live in nice, polite Canada where the Idiot Fee is only $200. Here in the US, they’d have soaked you for thousands!

Lobby_Bee 17

Why would it cost you so much? The first few things a mechanic would check is the gas pedal and the throttle body. He would of spot the problem within minutes and if he charges you 200 bucks for that, you need a new shop.


I used to be a car dealer and 99.99% of all unintended acceleration incidents are caused by this or misapplication of pedals (stepping on gas when you meant to step on the brake).

Look, even if you know nothing about cars, I still don't understand how you wouldn't want to take a look yourself to see if anything wierd is where the pedals are.

$200? Did they install floor mats with cruise control or what?

wow! that sucks. but good you got it checked out when you noticed something was wrong!

This is a $200 lesson in learning to check for simple things before taking to the shop g learning now to use floor mats.

I can't even imagine a scenario where this would happen. You didn't notice the mat when you put it in, when you got in/out of the car and didn't notice anything when you put your leg on pedal? You didn't even stop and glance at the pedals when they "weren't working properly"? Or was the mat twisted a bit and that part pushed pedal down and it was harder to notice?