By NoSacredSpace - 19/05/2018 05:00

Today, I can finally say there’s no part of my body that hasn’t had a pimple show up. I found a zit on my clit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 016
You deserved it 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azouwa 26

Wash with antibacterial soap. Keep clean and dry. Wipe front to back. You can use acne cream on it. Don't squeeze it. You'll damage healthy tissue causing it to get bigger. It should erupt on its own. When it erupts on its own then you can gently squeeze. Sorry OP. That HURTS.


azouwa 26

Wash with antibacterial soap. Keep clean and dry. Wipe front to back. You can use acne cream on it. Don't squeeze it. You'll damage healthy tissue causing it to get bigger. It should erupt on its own. When it erupts on its own then you can gently squeeze. Sorry OP. That HURTS.

Definitely don't use any product (like hand soap or acne cream) that's not meant to be used on a vulva down there, doing so will put you at risk of yeast infections and other issues.

blondie45 21

Bath in salt water. Good luck x

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You can get them everywhere on your body, unfortunately I speak from experience.

boopingsnoot 24

A good soak in the bathtub can help with skin issues (and calming that zit!), especially with a few spoonfuls of baking soda or apple cider vinegar. May also want to make sure you’re cleaning smegma from under the clitoral hood on a regular basis. No douching!

manb91uk 22

Don't get in a flap about it, go see a doctor who won't be a dick and see if he can prescribe some cream... Not the squirty kind, but the kind that can take the mean out of your bean


Woa I've never heard of one showing up on the actual clit- don't mess with it, go see a doctor/gyn.

Unfortunately I’ve had one there too (and it wasn’t an STD) they hurt and you gotta be careful not to prematurely pop it or it’ll get more infected 🤢

And I thought the Elf on the Shelf meme was dead.

pastafanatic 13

Okay, that was a good one. Very underrated comment.