By julie - 08/06/2018 20:00 - Romania - Cluj-napoca
Top comments
maybe the mug had something he loved on there if i gotten a 150 dollar watch then gotten a legend of zelda mug that played the song of time when you picked it up id br way more excited for that it isnt the price that shpuld matter but what the gift itself is
maybe he cares more about sentimental and thoughtful gifts than their monetary worth... dont reckon you should make him feel bad for it tbh, you're the one who chose to spend that much money
Well, some people don't care about the cost of gifts.
You can’t drink coffee from a watch. Also, the mug could’ve said something hilarious or inspirational. Watches provide a tiny subset of the information you get from a cell phone.
Cool it, you need to give it a Buca-rest!
Sometimes it's just not about the money.
Well, now you know you can get him cheap 2 mugs as gifts from now on.

maybe he cares more about sentimental and thoughtful gifts than their monetary worth... dont reckon you should make him feel bad for it tbh, you're the one who chose to spend that much money
Well, some people don't care about the cost of gifts.