By fucking har har, dad - 05/10/2012 23:38 - Australia

Today, two days after leaving hospital with a broken left leg, I tripped and fell heavily on the floor. My dad quickly asked if I'd broken my other leg. When I reassured him that I hadn't, he disappointedly muttered that it would've been a hilarious story to tell his friends at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 572
You deserved it 2 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you didn't break your other leg.

gibby1235 6

Your dad was most likely just playing don't take it to heart. Be thankful you didn't break anything.


Fml is full of stiffs apparently. I happen to think that is funny. It's a joke only someone who loves you can get away with and I think the majority of you people should lighten up. And if you can't, then break a leg

perdix 29

When your dad gets a surprise crotch shot from your crutch, that'll make a hilarious story for somebody's friends, probably yours. I'll bet your dad's buddies will find the story exceptionally hilarious, if your dad is not around to hear it ;)

goalexp 4

Lol I probs woulda sai the same... I live a good story hah But I'm glad you're okay!!

unknown_user5566 26

Every time a comment like this happens, a dictionary commits suicide.

Thesaurus: No Dic, don't do it! Dictionary: I gonna do it, I can't live like this anymore. Goodbye, cruel world... Thesaurus: But, but I love you! Encyclopedia: LOL

unknown_user5566 26

Good work, sir. I rarely laugh out loud after reading comments, but yours definitely made me chuckle. As I read that, I imagined a group of talking books. I pictured the encyclopedia as a stoner.

devore504 7

i am sure it was a typo get a life

nancyschmancy 9

Your dad was being funny. Hey at least he got you FML posted! See there is a bright side!

lacespace 8

"MY LEG" -spongebob squarepants

They butchered my favorite show ;( R.I.P good spongebob episodes. 1999 - 2005

lacespace 8

He lives in our hearts. I think of him every time I wash my plate.

TheOath 12

Parents just live to advertise your most embarrassing moments to everybody. Q_Q

Can't help but think of that line from The Producers. "I broke my other leg!"

He's not wrong. Irony is always funny.

SApprentice 34

It seems like you may have broken your funny bone. ... That was a terrible joke, I'm sorry.

I agree with your father. Breaking your other leg just after leaving the hospital, would have been quite comical