By fucking har har, dad - 05/10/2012 23:38 - Australia

Today, two days after leaving hospital with a broken left leg, I tripped and fell heavily on the floor. My dad quickly asked if I'd broken my other leg. When I reassured him that I hadn't, he disappointedly muttered that it would've been a hilarious story to tell his friends at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 572
You deserved it 2 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you didn't break your other leg.

gibby1235 6

Your dad was most likely just playing don't take it to heart. Be thankful you didn't break anything.


You've gotta admit though, it would be pretty funny! A bit ironic too, don't you think?

Mayb it's the whole bad luck is good luck theatre concept? Lol

Hopeful your dad's just joking, cause if not well he's a jerk! Hope your leg heals soon OP

DarkDaedalus009 8

What a butthole to his own son

unknown_user5566 26

Am I the only one who thinks "butthole" doesn't sound like a halfway decent insult anymore? I can't even take it seriously, because I don't think I've heard anyone use it in the last 10 years.

What's wrong with buttholes anyway? Without them, life would suck!

Calm down, people. His dad was obviously kidding. He's not an inconsiderate asshole, he's just a father who made a bad joke. All dad's do it.

unknown_user5566 26

This is FML. "Calming down" is generally not an option. Welcome, and enjoy the chaos!

Everyone needs to know that OP is a GIRL!!!

unknown_user5566 26

I think 46 was making a joke and proving your point on purpouse.

holyshitbatman 20

Clearly, your dad should be a comedian, just make sure to tell him to break a leg before he goes on stage. If he doesn't comply, lend him a hand. Remember, it's only so he has more hilarious stories for his set. ;)

unknown_user5566 26

I find it rather amusing that your dad would be willing to shell out a lot more money for hospital bills, just to have a good joke to tell. Now that's dedication!

I wonder her dad works in the construction industry lol

Unlike in the States; We (Australia) have Medicare. Typically 100% of in- hospital fees are paid for by health funds:)

As are most countries' hospital bills. It's a shame the US hasn't gotten on board with that yet, but it SEEMS like they're trying...

zero91 4

your pay check got taxed by government a lot right

It because in the states we have people who cheat the system and every one else doesn't want to pay for there lazy asses

Your dad is right. Too bad you only came back from the hospital with a cast. You should have picked up a sense of humour while you were there.

Well now that he has a cast, all he needs is a crew and he could have his very own sitcom.

Just wanna let you two know, I... Love... You... ^^^ you have made my day more times then my girlfriend has :p

kittenvks 11

^the REAL reason doc never lets on to what state he's in

State? The only state I'm in is the state of confusion.

holyshitbatman 20