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By ModernDayMaid - 25/03/2019 22:00

Today was just like any other normal day. Spent the day cleaning the house from top to bottom. I felt great until I went into just about every room I’d cleaned and saw that it was messed up again with zero attempts from my stepdaughter to clean it back up. I really hate preteens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 024
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luna_soulslayer 13

That’s when you parent and take away what she loves until she cleans everything

Sorry OP, it's not just a preteen problem, especially with step-kids. My step-daughter, at 21, decided she didn't need to pay board OR help out with housework, or at least even pay for the electricity her pet tropical fish were using, even though she had a full time job. When her father told her to pay board she just laughed in his face, and when I told her to pull her head in and help, she moved out and refused to speak to me for over 6 months (but left the fish for us to deal with.) As someone pointed out, it's a parent problem - but the problem parent is not you.


luna_soulslayer 13

That’s when you parent and take away what she loves until she cleans everything

Uhg that statement. I really hope you didn’t merry whoever you did without being sure you could unconditionally love their pre existing child. Children mess things up, get used to it.

Aphrodite 20

Don’t let her disrespect you like that. She needs to be disciplined.

Sorry to say not really a preteen problem more of a parent problem

Sorry OP, it's not just a preteen problem, especially with step-kids. My step-daughter, at 21, decided she didn't need to pay board OR help out with housework, or at least even pay for the electricity her pet tropical fish were using, even though she had a full time job. When her father told her to pay board she just laughed in his face, and when I told her to pull her head in and help, she moved out and refused to speak to me for over 6 months (but left the fish for us to deal with.) As someone pointed out, it's a parent problem - but the problem parent is not you.

Wow.. That is very manipulative of her. Well done for not backing down.

bloopaloop 27

This is what spanks are for

I thought they were to make my stomach look flat and lift up my butt.

Take away her cell phone until she cleans up. No spoiled preteen can withstand such torture. She’ll work her ass off motivated by FOMO.

Stop enabling her. Google it if you have to.

Be a parent, don't be an un-willing maid.