By Anonymous - 08/02/2012 18:15

Today, we got a new seating arrangement in my science class. I'm now sitting between two people who have spent the last 20 minutes whispering dirty things to one another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 135
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That would totally turn me on! I'd be turning my head, looking right into their eyes, lick my lips seductively. Then turn my head again to the other one, hair swishing wildly... Again looking at the other one, lick my lips, rub my hard nipples...oh oh oh yeah!

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

Believe it or not I have the same thing. Two people beside me touching eachother and whispering dirty things.

Join the conversation. I would, sounds like a good time to me.

Lol that happens to me too......just ignore them

That's ok, the couple in the front of my bus makes out everyday, oh they also make animal noises while doing so.

redhedsaysrawr 18

Same thing happens in my German class. It really pisses me off, and the sad thing is we all sit in front of the teacher. They evolved into passing notes. Guess who gets to sit between them and pass it along? Although, one day i passed along a note right as the girl started talking to the teacher, so the teach saw everything. haha, take that. Sorry OP, i understand theres not much you can do.

Omg! I have to too! They're disgusting! They make ****** noises every other minute!

briannajm 9
KBA_MDBradford 0

This literally what happens to me with this Dunn ass kid named Jonathan who thinks he's a gift from god when truthfully he is just a fat slob who's attempts at being funny and tries to get the bait but can't cause he's fat.