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By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 19:45 - United States - Piscataway

Today, we had to re-live sex ed in my college biology class. Unlike in middle school, nobody giggled incessantly. However, the guy sitting next to me stared at me intensely for nearly the whole three hour lecture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 875
You deserved it 3 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stare back, maybe with a twitch or a facial tick, see how he likes it.

I bet if you actually talked to him he'd be good for months...


Stare back, maybe with a twitch or a facial tick, see how he likes it.

courtney680 17

I want to know if OP is a guy or a girl. Or am I the only curious one here? Either way, the creepy guy seems as if he hasn't gotten any action or is a sex addict. OP, change seats, if able.

I bet if you actually talked to him he'd be good for months...

I thought that was implied ;D haha feel bad for OP tho

That might not be good, #2, he might need more of OP if she talks to him

Last I checked OP's gender is unknown. The FML is much more interesting that way though anyways :p

Damnit #43, I just posted something similar about who is curious of the gender of OP. You beat me to it *shakes my fist in the air!

chelsearenaeee 16

Looks like someone wants some live actions

I think I'd rather deal with the immature giggling. At least that ends when the class does.

What the hell kind of hint is staring at someone like that? Unless he thinks she (I can only presume) seems to be like a *****, that is.

dorworters 9

Saying "had to re-live" is a little immature itself, though. It seems as though you might have been the one giggling in middle school.

Had to re-live makes it sound painful

What the hell kind of hint is staring at someone like that? Unless he thinks she (I can only presume) seems to be like a *****, that is.

Saying it twice isn't going to make is like your comment #50.

Actually I'm only seeing one copy of my comment. When I entered it last night it didn't show up (even from refreshing), so I wrote again and it showed up.

Oh, I see. I didn't know I posted to the wrong comment the first time. My bad.

I would make him feel just as uncomfortable!

wlddog 14

It usually helps if you pretend everyone else is the class is naked. No wait... That may help with something else. Ok, pretend YOU are naked. Yeah, that always works. You pretend you just got out of the shower and they are standing there with handcuffs and duct tape. Hmmm.... That may be bad advice as well. Perhaps you should just ignore them.

thosedogtags 8

I'd stare back, making the most horrible and horrifying facial expression ever. Trust me.. It works! They'll either think you're crazy or.. Well, crazy! Haha but in the end, he'll leave you alone!

PandaKitteh 20
thosedogtags 8

That's what I was getting at!(:

33- and when that doesn't work, turn into a velociraptor!

mangoboy1 19

How do you not laugh when the teacher says penis?

3rdbass 9

Because if you do that, no one's ever going to take it.

Sexual topics just become less awkward and embarrassing after you survive puberty (as difficult as that may be for anyone who is currently in puberty to believe). Additionally, lectures about these things in a scientific context are tend to be very clinical and mechanical - not humorous at all (unless the presenter is trying to be funny).

This reminds me of Twilight where that sparkly guy stares at the depressed girl akwardly. Wait, what, I haven't seen Twilight...

Do something crazy, like staring back while picking your nose.