By farmwithnobarn - 30/05/2009 05:48 - United States
countrysparrow tells us more.
hey, i'm the one who had to put the animals down. this is very real. the horse was very old and got an infection, and had to be put down. now, you cant just take your horse to the vet, like you can with a dog or cat, you have to have the vet make a house call. so the vet came by prepared to uthanize the horse, Monster. before, going out to the barn, (yes, where we keep our horses, there is a barn, just not on the farm that we live, which is why the horses are not on our property, so no, that is not animal abuse), we went to the deckhouse, to discuss burial options, since it is illegal where we live to bury animals without a permit. we got to the house, to find one of the barn cats with a broken neck. now we have a doggie door in the kitchen for the dogs, but the cats use it to, since they are both indoor/outdoor animals. we are guessing that the cat went out to the barn, like they always do, and got to close behind a cow or horse, and got kicked. you never know, she might even have jumped off a high ledge, cats necks are very fragile. but anyway, the barn had to have the cat put down, along with us having to put Monster down. so the county wanted to temporarily shut down the barn for investigation, but pulled out, because there was nothing wrong with any of the other several animals. and to number 5, shooting animals is considered animal abuse, and even though my family owns guns, most around us do, we would NEVER consider shooting an animal, even if it was to put it out of its misory, unless we absolutely had to. hope that straightens everybody out, and thank you too all that were polite and didnt mock or laugh about our situation, and took it seriously. this is not a laughing matter.
Top comments
Well that won't go over too well... And that PETA girl is freaky, don't listen to her. It's a really bad thing to happen and I don't find it funny, I just feel bad for you.
I'm sorry about the animals. The horse couldn't be helped (most likely), but the cat was just a kick in the stomach while you were already down.
Ahm... Well maybe u shoulda thought of this before ya broke ur cats neck... Lol
Animal abuser. jajajaXD JK. that is pretty sad. wouldnt blame them.
Sorry that your animals died. But if they think you abuse animanls isn't it a good thing that they try to do something about it? WAY too many people abuse animals and no one cares.
How did the cat get its neck broken? That does sound suspicious I'm sorry for your losses though.
EDIT: How did the cat get its neck broken? That does sound suspicious though. If you did really hurt your cat and you're doing this FML to like cover yourself then I hope you rot in hell for abusing animals! I hope you will never be able to sleep at night from the guilt and I hope you choke on every morsel of food that enters your mouth! but... If it was an accident then I'm sorry for your losses.
Innocent until proven guilty
If it was an outdoor cat, it might as well have been abuse, or at least neglect. Sorry for your losses.
I usually don't post on older FMLs, but I really have to ask, how the **** does your cat being outdoors imply the cat is being abused, or neglected? If anything it should be considered abuse if you keep your cat trapped inside your house 24/7. Alot of cats are supposed to be able to run around. It gives them a sense of freedom. Cats are very independent animals. There is a ******* reason why almost all cats try to get outside. I have had four cats, all four of them have been outdoor cats, and not one of them were killed, or even ******* injured. All but one of them (which she is still around) died of old age. And you know what, they lived a ******* happy life. I would rather take a miniscule risk of something happening my cat, then to have her trapped inside her whole life. Sure shit happens. That is a part of life. But just because there is a small risk doesn't mean you should ******* hide your whole life. Plus cats are one of the smartest creatures, and in my 20 years alive not a single one of my pets has died because they were outside. Sorry for such a long rant, but your level of ignorance, and stupidity just really pissed me off. Let your cat have a true life instead of keeping it trapped just because your ******* scared.
just because YOU'RE ******* scared. Sorry for any typos. I'm on the mobile app, and my phone is a POS, so it's extremely hard to catch my mistakes in time to change them.
#18 How in the world would posting an FML be a cover-up?! If he/she hadn't posted it nobody would know about it in the first place and he/she wouldn't need a "cover-up"'s not like his identity is nobody knows who he/she is anyway...
unless the animal service person reads FML..
sorry to hear your animals are dead but what are the odds ? i don't blame the animal service
9 lives duh