By farmwithnobarn - 30/05/2009 05:48 - United States
countrysparrow tells us more.
hey, i'm the one who had to put the animals down. this is very real. the horse was very old and got an infection, and had to be put down. now, you cant just take your horse to the vet, like you can with a dog or cat, you have to have the vet make a house call. so the vet came by prepared to uthanize the horse, Monster. before, going out to the barn, (yes, where we keep our horses, there is a barn, just not on the farm that we live, which is why the horses are not on our property, so no, that is not animal abuse), we went to the deckhouse, to discuss burial options, since it is illegal where we live to bury animals without a permit. we got to the house, to find one of the barn cats with a broken neck. now we have a doggie door in the kitchen for the dogs, but the cats use it to, since they are both indoor/outdoor animals. we are guessing that the cat went out to the barn, like they always do, and got to close behind a cow or horse, and got kicked. you never know, she might even have jumped off a high ledge, cats necks are very fragile. but anyway, the barn had to have the cat put down, along with us having to put Monster down. so the county wanted to temporarily shut down the barn for investigation, but pulled out, because there was nothing wrong with any of the other several animals. and to number 5, shooting animals is considered animal abuse, and even though my family owns guns, most around us do, we would NEVER consider shooting an animal, even if it was to put it out of its misory, unless we absolutely had to. hope that straightens everybody out, and thank you too all that were polite and didnt mock or laugh about our situation, and took it seriously. this is not a laughing matter.
Top comments
I'm sorry about your losses. I know it's especially hard to lose a horse, but the cat as well. :( FYL
#5... you obviously don't have animals, if you do i'm sorry for them... if a horse is in serious condition and there's no way to get a vet to the site, yes a gun is acceptable, but it is a good way to ruin your next several months. a vet is a much better option for all involved.
aww thats sad. Yesterday I was on a bike ride and saw a dog shaking a cat around in its mouth, by the neck. Maybe something similar happened you your cat. (fyi once the dog saw me it dropped that cat and chased my bike.. sigh i hate dogs...)
My parents live on a farm and own 10 (indoor!) cats, and one of our cats in the past had broken its neck. Another ( a stray we started to take care of) leaped out of a tree wrong and broke several bones and had to be put down. I'm sorry for your loss, OP. That's incredibly sad!
Broken necks aren't that uncommon. I've had plenty rabbits that broke their own necks in panic by thrashing round their hutch when a fox or something got in their hut. Chin up, it'll be okay.
@ 48 Of course, because quadriplegics dont exist. It's possible to break the vertibrae without severing the spinal cord. The cat wont die right out, but there isn't much hope for a recovery of such an animal.
#48 not always. Not everyone that breaks their neck dies. Some end up being okay, most end up as quadriplegics. good job on being a know it all though.

sorry to hear your animals are dead but what are the odds ? i don't blame the animal service
9 lives duh