By farmwithnobarn - 30/05/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, we had to have our vet put our horse down. Afterwards we were discussing burial options. We then find the cat with a broken neck. Had to have her put down also. Now we have animal services questioning us for animal abuse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 002
You deserved it 3 867

countrysparrow tells us more.

countrysparrow 0

hey, i'm the one who had to put the animals down. this is very real. the horse was very old and got an infection, and had to be put down. now, you cant just take your horse to the vet, like you can with a dog or cat, you have to have the vet make a house call. so the vet came by prepared to uthanize the horse, Monster. before, going out to the barn, (yes, where we keep our horses, there is a barn, just not on the farm that we live, which is why the horses are not on our property, so no, that is not animal abuse), we went to the deckhouse, to discuss burial options, since it is illegal where we live to bury animals without a permit. we got to the house, to find one of the barn cats with a broken neck. now we have a doggie door in the kitchen for the dogs, but the cats use it to, since they are both indoor/outdoor animals. we are guessing that the cat went out to the barn, like they always do, and got to close behind a cow or horse, and got kicked. you never know, she might even have jumped off a high ledge, cats necks are very fragile. but anyway, the barn had to have the cat put down, along with us having to put Monster down. so the county wanted to temporarily shut down the barn for investigation, but pulled out, because there was nothing wrong with any of the other several animals. and to number 5, shooting animals is considered animal abuse, and even though my family owns guns, most around us do, we would NEVER consider shooting an animal, even if it was to put it out of its misory, unless we absolutely had to. hope that straightens everybody out, and thank you too all that were polite and didnt mock or laugh about our situation, and took it seriously. this is not a laughing matter.

Top comments

sorry to hear your animals are dead but what are the odds ? i don't blame the animal service


OP, I feel bad for you... A few years ago one of my family's horses had to be put down after giving birth because some of her reproductive organs came out during labour. It's always sad losing horses, because you invest so much into them. We've also lost many foals shortly after birth. Good luck with animal services, though. I'm sure they will be in and out... they'll see that you've done nothing wrong.

newguy12 0

so there is a vet that specializes in kiling horses? Where was that on career day? never heard of it

It can happen all the time. A horse kicks the cat or another animal. It's common to find animals fighting with each other on a farm.

there's no such thing as animal services you stupid ****.

emodude44 0

that sucks do you live on a ranch or something?

cxal_fml 0

Having a horse without a barn (which your name implies) is a form of animal cruelty. Unless this was open range, and the horse had plenty of shelterings to go into. Or you have some other shelter for the horse that is used as a barn - ie we had an abused horse once that had to be kept separate from the other animals so we cleared out the tractor shed and that was his barn

cxal_fml 0

25 - the abused horse we had gotten was actually being abused by a vetinarian. He admitted that he was starving it to death. And he was obviously doing more than that to it, as untrustworthy as it was around other people/animals though we couldn't prove it. Not saying the OP was an animal abuser, but going to a vet, doesn't mean you are abusing the animals. We often had between 10-30 barn cats. None ever broke their neck, but I can easily see how it would have happened (though not in the OPs case as she doesn't have a barn). One of the mother cats actually decided to nest her mother kittens right underneath the cows watertrough - its only a matter of luck that they weren't trampled to death. And they were just a mere feet from the pigpen too.

bbobe900000 0

holy crap that's like a triple fml sorry to hear that... I feel bad for you

2-that is not hilarious and 5-that's disgusting. OP-I'm sorry for ur losses.

palmtrees 1

#52 please tell me you didn't ask that question seriously... ALL vets are licensed to/responsible for putting down animals that need it, in addition to their other work.