By PunctureWound - 10/10/2010 00:57 - Canada

Today, we were playing a game at work where whenever someone is in the washroom, we throw a 2 inch lug nut at the door because it makes a huge bang and scares whoever is in there. I was just opening the door to exit when someone threw the nut. It hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 790
You deserved it 28 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments


pyrodude185 0

i know it had to hurt but did it scare him or he had not time to relies what happen?????

CatEyes66 0

Well, think of this in a positive way. You getting hit in the face with a lug nut was probably the highlight of everyones day and people need that or life would suck all the time instead of most of the time.

ydi for playing games such as these in the workplace. pwned.

FFML_314 11

well that was a really smart game...

So let me get this straight...they take their pants off and lunge their balls at you?