By Anonymous - 26/11/2014 16:42 - United States - Flushing

Today, what few friends I have won't talk to me anymore. My ex told them she dumped me because I abused her. I never abused her. What really happened is that she dumped me in a rage after I refused to give her money for drugs. Nobody's even asked for my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 532
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man you can do better than a girl who treats you like that. And friends who believe her without hearing your side first.

If your friends won't stick around to hear your side of the story, you're better off without them OP.


I'll be your friend. Seriously your friends should know you well enough to know the kind of man you are. They'll see that she is a manipulative **** soon enough.

Cutie, be my boyfriend! Haha I feel sorry for you though

itssjulia 13

I'm literally in that situation:|

Well maybe those weren't your real friends.

PSYqualiac 17

Could be worse, she could have started one of the friends she tricked into believing her.

No one knows your side of the story except for the thousands of people on FML op. Honestly, you need ACTUAL friends. Not idiots who believer your ex-gf instead of listening to you. You need better friends

Sorry to hear that OP, they weren't real friends in the first place, if they don't even want to hear your side! You'll be better off.