By Anonymous - 26/11/2014 16:42 - United States - Flushing

Today, what few friends I have won't talk to me anymore. My ex told them she dumped me because I abused her. I never abused her. What really happened is that she dumped me in a rage after I refused to give her money for drugs. Nobody's even asked for my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 532
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man you can do better than a girl who treats you like that. And friends who believe her without hearing your side first.

If your friends won't stick around to hear your side of the story, you're better off without them OP.


you got shitty "friends" you could use new ones.

Hey, you know if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

This was not a true friendship from their side. Cheer up! Maybe this happened so you could find out their true them.

True friends stay there for you no matter what, so you're better off having no friends than a bunch of fake friends.

This is like looking in a mirror! I divorced my manipulative ex for getting progressively more and more abusive...but everyone believed his story that I cheated and wouldn't even listen to me. I lost our friends too. I truly feel your pain, OP... Now, I have an amazing man in my life AND friends who actually care about me. I know it reeeeeally sucks right now. Just be confidant in yourself and life WILL get better!

jbombdighetty 11

That's the worst. I had something similar happen earlier this year. Fact is they aren't true friends if they won't even give you the time to ask, in time you'll find real friends who will actually listen to and respect you. best of luck!

You need to fix I've seen this happen before but your friends should understand how a bitch can be a bitch