By Anonymous - 26/11/2014 16:42 - United States - Flushing

Today, what few friends I have won't talk to me anymore. My ex told them she dumped me because I abused her. I never abused her. What really happened is that she dumped me in a rage after I refused to give her money for drugs. Nobody's even asked for my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 532
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man you can do better than a girl who treats you like that. And friends who believe her without hearing your side first.

If your friends won't stick around to hear your side of the story, you're better off without them OP.


Dude you're better off without her she sounds like a psycho

I'd argue you're better off without these 'friends'

Time to get a new set of friends ... This time make sure they know you well ... Talking to existing set is a good idea too.

those aren't and weren't your friends. they were hers, obviously.

They should hear you out i think!!! How awful for you!! if it helps, when something major and traumatic happens like this or you lose a limb or something, apparently you deal with it and cope because evolutionary-wise it makes sense to. Your brain does it automatically, weighing stuff up etc. But it takes up so much brain-power and energy it only does it when something big happens. It enables you to cope - and that is why little things like coffee running out or someone being a bit rude upset us so much - we can't let go or move on, because our body says it is not worth using that coping mechanism. It is a theory and I don't know how true it is (I googled it), but the point is that you will be okay. It might take time and it is more than okay to feel angry, betrayed and anything at all that you feel. But one day things will be better. You are a special and unique human being and you deserve better. Do you know the chances of you being here and surviving birth, your parents meeting, your ancestors meeting and you having been part of the egg and sperm that made it? So so minute. You are incredible and don;t ever forget it OP.

That's super ****** up, sorry OP. I'm sure you'll find a lovely girl eventually! (:

then they weren't your friends to begin with op :(