By VampObsessed - 05/01/2013 05:30 - United States - Dallas
VampObsessed tells us more.
OP here. My key only works on the front lock so I couldn't use any other doors and our windows don't operate to allow anyone in. I had to call my boyfriend to come over and move it for me so I could get in. Recently the spare bedroom I workout in has been overtaken by gnomes and I've opened my bedroom door to a gnome in the hallway. He even put it in the shower. This is not a good way to help me get past my phobia.
Top comments
So what if it's made out of that stuff? 'Doesn't stop OP from being scared. Who says OP thinks the gnome will get them? Even if OP does think that the gnome will hurt them, it's not a feeling they can control!
I had an intense phobia of moths when I was a kid. Then I grew up and realised they are harmless, figured out why they scared me and got past it. I haven't been able to do that with spiders, but I have gotten to the point where I can kill a spider rather than just run shrieking. Just because someone has a phobia doesn't mean they can never do anything about it. OP is no longer a child. Time to get help.
Back door?
Lmao that is epic!
Did you ever see the Will & Grace episode about the Gnome? And do you have a shovel?
Out of all the stupid shit...
That sucks, OP. I've suffered from emetophobia (fear of vomit/vomiting) for many years. Phobias are irrational by definition, but that doesn't mean they should be taken lightly. For whatever reason, a particular object or situation prompts your nervous system to go into fight-or-flight mode. It's an involuntary, physiological, very real anxiety response. You know very well the object or situation is not dangerous in itself, but the feelings and sensations it triggers are so unpleasant that it only makes sense to avoid the thing that causes so much discomfort. Can any of you mocking the OP imagine having uncontrollable, full-blown panic attacks every time you encounter a certain thing, even though you know that thing isn't going to hurt you? We know our physiological response is "incorrect," and we don't need anyone reminding us of this fact, especially not if they're going to be condescending and cruel about it. But we can't help it. If we could make our misery go away on command, for ****'s sake, we would do it.
That's exactly how I feel about some toilets, the looks I get when i try to overcome it and go to a public toilet (ie the metal ones) and take one look at a toilet then run screaming out of the area. I know there's nothing scary about toilets but I still freak out. The same about velvet. I can even look at velvet without feeling total panic.
Start playing WoW. Female gnomes are f***ing cute......
Careful. Beyond that door is gno man's land.
Have you tried a window? Or at least a broom to push it aside?