By an egg - 30/10/2015 13:43 - United States - Livonia

Today, when I went out to get some groceries with my mother, a small girl came up to me and said I was an "ugly egg" because I'm a bald girl. I had to shave my head in order to have brain surgery to relieve me of the symptoms of my neurological disorder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 579
You deserved it 1 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcaisse77 17

Parents should teach their children not to be rude

whatarethisss 23

It's a kid OP, don't take it to heart. You had to do what you had to do.


Some lids are stupid OP And really its not their fault its their jackass of parents fault You shoulda said Well your mom mustve been a bad egg cause what came out was rotten

It's sad how rude people are nowadays.

BooBooKittyF11 21
Xandrick 22

Those who YDI'd this either hit it by accident or are heartless pieces of shit.

its a Lil kid plus its the parents who are truly speaking reflecting how hideous their hearts are. If someone says something u made is ugly its a matter of opinion, if something you have no control over is called ugly its not even worth acknowledging, it just reveals the lack of empathy in persons which is where u can feel sorry for them, since one day they like everyone will have to go through horrid experiences and have to find out the hard way, the kid doesn't count though FAH-GET-A-BOUT-IT

Therussian214 0

What neurological condition? My mom has chiari. And the kid is a horrible person and so are the parents.

there are times where "kids will be kids" and this is not one of them. That kids parents should be ashamed and should teach her better acceptance of others no matter what they look like

How old was she? It would be forgivable if she was like...3-5 maybe? But above that, yea, its pretty mean. Are you better now?