By mackmackey - 18/05/2013 23:15 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at hospital with a broken arm, I was asked to raise my hand onto the x-ray machine. I told the nurse I couldn't move it without extreme pain. She told me to suck it up, picked up my arm, and dropped it on the machine. I could feel the bone completely separate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 744
You deserved it 3 916

mackmackey tells us more.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Top comments

What. The. Hell. I sincerely hope you reported her.

hpdrew15 9

File a complaint with the hospital and lawsuit with the courts!!!


Sue, it was probably a fracture before it broke which means now more recovery time.

drew12089 2

Ummm I think it's time to contact a lawyer

It's called "patient care" not "patient abuse"! Situations like this are when you need to talk to the Nursing Supervisor. I work in a hospital and there is always one on call. She was way out if line and clearly needs to be doing something away from patient care.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Urgent care has liability insurance just like hospitals... A lawyer will handle it for you if this is the rout you decide to take.

Regardless of what it was, if they are legally allowed to perform medical procedures, they are bound to the legal requirements associated with what they have to do. I'm pretty sure patient care is on that list. If its not a doctor, only a nurse or duty, depending on where they went to school, they may not have taken an oath to do no harm... But seriously notify someone about this treatment. Faster you respond, the more serious they take it. If you call in 2 weeks and try to convince someone about the care they will ask why it took two weeks to contact them. Good luck OP. I am going to guess that when you step forward about the quality of care you received, others that were too timid to say anything will step forward with you. Wow. Sorry about the long answer >.

SynysterNero 20

I wouldn't try a lawsuit but reporting the poor treatment would be a good idea.

caysters 12

Nurse, doctor, medical assistant, whoever, can get into trouble for malpractice. However, being a nurse, it is more likely that her AND the doctor she works under will be in trouble.

Hey there, nursing student here!! You gave the nurse an okay to touch you, but she still treated you in humanely. If you can prove she made the damage worse, you might have a lawsuit. Other than that, I think filing a complaint is the best way to go. It's a shame today's healthcare doesn't give the utmost care to our society. :( I hope you start to feel better!!

You can't sue for that. There was no malpractice in that instance and you'd lose. Waste of money. Just tell her supervisor so she loses her job.

OP, you should lodge a complaint and speak with the nurse's supervisor before filing a suit.

K410 18

As well you should good luck op :)

Sober1128 9

Does not matter. They were still negligent after being warned that it was excruciating

you could def get her fired for negligence. be careful though, OP!

how else are you supposed to get an x-ray? with unicorns and damn rainbows? suck it up pansy. go look up "hurt feelings report"

dipshit. Broken bones are casted because they shouldn't be moved. When they are "dropped" the momentum of the distance fallen suddenly stopping makes the bone move, which causes damage. Unicorns and rainbows? You're a ******, don't call anyone a pansy

wow you are just like that nurse.. her mentality seperated a bone into two SEPERATE pieces

So you've been man-handled by an oblivious nurse to the point of your bones separating from each other? Why didn't you give OP any advice then?

He has no advice. He is the bonecrusher.

BriannaMGK 15

Sue the shit out of the hospital!

Chances are that if they injured the OP more, they'll do it to the other patients too. It may not be the first or the last time that it'll happen.

Oh shut up 160. A patient broke their arm getting an X-ray after being spoken to in a rude manor. If the hospital doesn't do anything about their employee a lawsuit is recommended. They can do it to other patients too. Jesus.

I would be talking with her supervisor!

We must have had the same bitch nurse because I had one that did that to me when I broke my wrist. She also twisted it too............. O.O