By mackmackey - 18/05/2013 23:15 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at hospital with a broken arm, I was asked to raise my hand onto the x-ray machine. I told the nurse I couldn't move it without extreme pain. She told me to suck it up, picked up my arm, and dropped it on the machine. I could feel the bone completely separate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 744
You deserved it 3 916

mackmackey tells us more.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Top comments

What. The. Hell. I sincerely hope you reported her.

hpdrew15 9

File a complaint with the hospital and lawsuit with the courts!!!


skyeyez9 24

If you were my kid and I saw this happen, that nurse would have staggered away with a broken nose and busted lip.

m_n_m2000 5

Report that bitch! I would sue! What the hell happened to "do no harm?"

I had a problem like this but not as serious I went in with my broken arm and when I was finally called in for X-rays I set my arm on the thing for the X-ray then she decides it would be a good idea if I could turn my broken and so she can get another shot and I'm like I can barley move it as it is and you want my to twist it... No but she worked with me and moved the board to the side of my arm only problem is I had to hold it up for the X-ray on that side.

ames214 3

There is simply no way to get the pictures the doctor needs without moving you around at least a little bit. People don't seem to understand that we are not trying to hurt you we are just doing our jobs. That being said the tech doesn't need to be an asshole about it and should be reported if they are.

That is extremely severe medical abuse, and you should seek legal council to start a lawsuit.

Honestly out of my five broken bones I have never had a nurse like that...they actually move the table up or down and then adjust from there...did she have you wear the lead apron? That's one thing right...

Wow!! I cannot believe a nurse would ever do that to someone!! I sure hope that you're okay and that you got that nurse into serious trouble!!! That is seriously not cool what that nurse did

I see a lawsuit happening in the future

dhaxor 9

I smell a malpractice lawsuit!

bigbangvip1 7

this made me severely cringe

Christina790 8

See them! I would. I'm sorry about your arm