By Bajar - 18/12/2012 19:53 - Australia

Today, while at the airport waiting for my flight, I sat down next to a mother and her son. As I pulled out a water bottle, she leaned over to her son and said, "Promise me you will never do what the man next to you just did." I have no idea what the hell I did wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 358
You deserved it 4 048

Bajar tells us more.

Hey all, OP here. To clarify a few things: it was at the airport lounge, the mother and son had a double couch together and I had a single chair next to the son. The water bottle was disposable and on a clearly visible pocket in my backpack. I still have no idea what I did wrong.

Top comments

Mothers are very over protective you don't know what there thinking.

Vodka is the same color as water, so maybe she's Russian.


lilreject 3

Lol bro when u bring water to airports they think ur gonna make a bomb

Derpina_ 4

Perhaps she was referring to another gentleman in the area? :)

Torien 2

I reckon she might have been talking about taking a full bottle of water on a flight, which thanks to terrorism is apparently a bomb.

trying to sneak a water bottle on the plane... BECAUSE ITS SUCH A BAD THING TO CARRY ON A SEALED ******* WATER BOTTLE!!!

allstar809 4

She probably had thought you stashed vodka in the water bottle which is why she said that. She thinks you're going to get drunk.

mabye she thought you took your penis out

You're nit supposed to have more than 4oz of liquid on a pkane, im surprised you made ut past security.

Maybe she's mental and believes the government fill water with brainwashing chemicals. So her son should never drink water

Maybe it has something to do with gayness