By Arachnofail - 08/04/2016 04:16 - France - Goussainville

Today, while driving, a spider crawled onto my gearstick. Not being afraid of them, I casually flicked it off. Onto the person sitting next to me. The person evaluating me for my driving test at the time, who happened to be arachnophobic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 671
You deserved it 128

Top comments

Oddly enough, we are reading about this on the web.

If the evaluator merely failed you without also setting the car on fire, you got off lightly.


When she was done freaking out did she insanely fail you

ouijacorn 9

The cartoon for this one is so spot on, I love it. Take note, this is how you get over a fear of spiders: with facts.

Why the heck would you flick a spider on to someone? You're an idiot.

He happened to be an arachnophobiac or was he just pissing you off ;)

I love spiders. I love them to be a very long way away from me.

Too bad it didn't work out great for you, OP. I still hope you got a redo of your test!

Triangle6757 9

That's jacked--hope you were able to retake it without penalty!