By Embarrassed - 12/12/2011 13:45 - Germany

Today, while having dinner with my boyfriend's family, his mom told me that it looks like I've gained quite some weight. When my boyfriend told her that this was a rude thing to say, she said it wasn't rude, just the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 214
You deserved it 6 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

She doesn't like you. At least your boyfriend stood up for you?

Olovio 5

This is actually a nice FML. I can't remember the last time I saw an FML where the boyfriend stood up for the girlfriend.


At least your boyfriend stuck up for you

I don't see how the boyfriend telling his mom she was rude was exactly standing up for his girlfriend. Anyone in their right mind would think the mother's comment was rude - mainly because she has no place in this gals life to offer such a personal opinion! What he said was just shy of outright agreeing with his mom. I'd dump them both before venturing into a lifetime of put-downs from a woman who clearly doesn't want you around ...

Some men just sit there and say nothing. Some of them are to weak or to much of a mama's boy to stand up to their mother and tell them they were wrong. Saying nothing at all would be more of an agreement than what he did say. So even though he could of said something more he still defended her. If he had an issue with he weight he would of mentioned it or he definitely wouldnt of said anything when his mother did.

look people, the mom didn't say op was fat or overweight, just gained some weight. I don't understand why everyone is jumping to the conclusion that op is fat/ obese/ overweight, when that was never said.

Akalia_fml 7

Well, I don’t know about other people, but the way OP worded it sounded as if she is fat. I’m not trying to be rude to OP, though.

Akalia_fml 7

At least your boyfriend stood up to his mum for you. I am sorry that she told you the truth, even though it was brutally honest. But still, she should’ve just kept her mouth shut.

Chixken 6

Well at least your boyfriend stood up for you.

At least your one of the only girls who writes on FML AND has a nice boyfriend

txgirl09 5

Shame you didn't say something like -yeah, I always stress eat when I know i'm going to be dealing with a mega bitch- or something any of the other hilarious posters have said.