By anonymous - 28/12/2016 05:07 - United States

Today, while hiking in the mountains in North Carolina, I finally got to the deer I had been tracking for almost an hour. I was watching it from about 10 feet away, and enjoying every moment. Within a few seconds, my niece yelled from across the river to ask if I had found it. It ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 585
You deserved it 1 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today, while walking around my home, I spent an entire hour afraid I was being pursued and dreading every second of it. I was starting to feel better when a small furless biped shrieked its battle cry at me, causing me to run like a coward. An even bigger one ogled me the whole time. FML


well, it wanted to live. it's not just going to stand there

I don't see anything there that implies they were going to kill it. OP says they were just enjoying watching it. Even the last line says it ran away rather than it got away.

yea it says they were hiking, not hunting

Well yeah, but the deer doesn't know that he is a hiker and not a hunter.

The deer doesn't know much of anything let alone the dichotomy of humans

At least you got to see it for partial time than not at all (:

You should send this to Louis CK. He would have the utmost sympathy for your unfortunate deer watching mishap.

You're hiking in the mountains in North Carolina. Your life is awesome!

It sensed the ol' Good Human-Bad Human trap! The Good Human wins its trust and the Bad one shoots it. Not today!!!

Today, while walking around my home, I spent an entire hour afraid I was being pursued and dreading every second of it. I was starting to feel better when a small furless biped shrieked its battle cry at me, causing me to run like a coward. An even bigger one ogled me the whole time. FML