By anonymous - 25/06/2016 20:03 - United States - Lowell

Today, I was taking a hike through the Appalachians. I lost my balance in a steep area, and grabbed for a root along the trail above me. It turned to not be a root, but a large, angry snake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 535
You deserved it 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why does this FML have a chili pepper next to it? I know the pepper denotes sexual FMLs, and I'm trying to figure out which word seems sexual. If the linguistic intelligence behind the NSFW filter can understand innuendo ("large, angry snake"), I'm significantly more worried about it becoming self aware and causing judgement day. It would be sort of poetic for an entity born inside FML to cause the greatest FML of all.

"I was enjoying a peaceful nap when some idiot grabbed me and almost brought me down with him. FML"


How did you slither out of that situation?

A snake in the hand is worth two in the bush

Hmm, I'm not sure where that saying comes from but I'd rather my snake in a bush...

Well obviously you didn't fall to your doom so at least that's a plus.

I'd take angry snake in hand over deadly fall any day lol

Im surprised no one has said "that bites" yet

tounces7 27

Because the snake was coming out of her trail guides pants?

"I was enjoying a peaceful nap when some idiot grabbed me and almost brought me down with him. FML"

Why does this FML have a chili pepper next to it? I know the pepper denotes sexual FMLs, and I'm trying to figure out which word seems sexual. If the linguistic intelligence behind the NSFW filter can understand innuendo ("large, angry snake"), I'm significantly more worried about it becoming self aware and causing judgement day. It would be sort of poetic for an entity born inside FML to cause the greatest FML of all.

Some of you guys are sporting the anaconda.... Others are left holding it to break their fall

It's always possible that a snake is actually the linguistic filter programmer, and it enjoys watching angry snakes in it's spare time for pleasure. Or we will soon see the launch of fmlnet, which is shortly followed by odd disappearances of people who just so happened to get a fml published.

Root means sex is Aussie bogan speak - maybe FML just had that word flagged?

It's a good guess, #21, but I just did a search for FMLs containing the word "root" and none had peppers next to them. And, yes, FMLs that were published prior to the introduction of the filter still get NSFW peppers. So, the mystery continues…

Chilli has been removed!! The people prevail!

This either means the snake was listening, or that fml is learning to blend in better.