By 1sasafras1 - 17/06/2016 04:01 - United States - Jonesborough

Today, while I was lifeguarding a swim meet with over 100 patrons, a duck paid a visit to our pool. He sat down and a brown cloud surfaced in the water. He immediately flew off. My manager then made me put goggles on and scoop out the poop while everyone watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 691
You deserved it 910

1sasafras1 tells us more.

Yup. Just the skimmer net under water. The location made us unable to use the pole with the skimmer attached

Top comments

Honestly it could have been much worse, better a duck than a 5 (or 75) year olds poop..

Why goggles and not gloves?? I hope you didn't pick it up with your bare hands. My sympathies with you, op.


Honestly it could have been much worse, better a duck than a 5 (or 75) year olds poop..

Really? Why do people even bother with these puns anymore? It should be obvious from the thousands of similar down voted comments that you aren't going to be voted up.

U da real mvp, although if i saw that i would not swim anymore?

Why goggles and not gloves?? I hope you didn't pick it up with your bare hands. My sympathies with you, op.

hoosiergirl94 31

He said scoop. He obviously used something other than his hands

Yup. Just the skimmer net under water. The location made us unable to use the pole with the skimmer attached

Why are goggles necessary? You had to be in the water to clean it up?

Goggles to keep the water out of your eyes and so you can see underwater.

GangstaDoggo 2

Its just duck poop m80 I have ducks and end up having to touch their poop when cleaning their pool and also we have soap and hot water to clean up

You have to close the pool for that. Patrons have to leave even if there's a swim meet and you have to shock the pool.

They shocked the pool. My sat manager determined it was safe to swim

As a lifeguard, that is definitely not the right way for your boss to have you handle the situation. The pool should have been evacuated and the clorine levels should have been turned up for about a day. He put OP at risk for disease, and if you wanted, you could probably sue.

Sorry friend but that is probably part of your job. You got paid right?

That's not part of a job, that goes against protocol and OP should sue for being at risk for disease

obie1975 9

Your are full of it. Duck poop isn't brown. It's white and it squirts like other birds.

When this bird/ duck creature flew in it was a brown cloud and the turds where brown. I should know when I scooped it up a cloud of it went into my mouth

you had the right to decline due to the disease risk. Your manager should have done it himself.