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By youjustsuck - 25/07/2011 18:07 - United States

Today, I was home alone, and enjoying my freedom decided to walk around naked blaring my radio. What my mother forgot to tell me before she left was that a guy was coming to fix our dish washer today. Imagine our mutual surprise as I danced around the kitchen while getting a drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 268
You deserved it 12 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the begining of a pornfilm

KVKdragon 26

that's the first thing you do when you get the urge to be free of clothing: check if anyone's there. pretty obvious. even if you think no one is home, always check


xcrunnergrl 0

hahaha that's really funny, but FYL for the surprise /: What did he sayy? lol

SugarCrazy 14

Probably something along the lines of "Holy f***! Am I gonna get raped?!"

SugarCrazy 14

Probably something along the lines of "Holy f***! Am I gonna get raped?!"

-insert joke about women in the kitchen-

Can already hear that porno music cumming...

"Today, I went on a seemly harmless job of fixing a dishwasher down Spooner Street. When, all of a suddenly, a crazy, fully nude lady jumps in front of me and attempted to rape me, while having porno music in the back. FML." And that's the other end to this story

AviatorChris 0
TheRealHouse 7

Well did the damn dishwasher get fixed or what?!

TheRealHouse 7

Today, after three agonizing days of malfunctioning due to the girl that lives in the house I work in cramming a fork in my drain linkadge causing the solonoid to overload and blowing my relay, the repairman was finally coming to fix me! Guess who scared him away, by dancing like a psycho... NAKED!!! FML

enonymous 8

Sounds like the beginning of a porno! Oh! Giggity giggity goo!

NastyNinja31 0

if op is fat **** his life he probably thought you were hitting on him

OP is probably underage, thus he saw an underaged girl naked. I bet he enjoyed that.

Kennzz 0

Wouldn't the guy have knocked?? I highly doubt he just walked into your house.

Kennzz 0

so the guy didn't even knock? I highly doubt he just walked into your house.

91- Who else but Quagmire? XD I know I probably spelled it wrong, but I'm going off my memory.

chronicstds 3

the op never states if guy or girl.

ariannaa_fml 17

146- in the top right hand corner there is the symbol for the gender FEMALE. even if you dont know which sign is which, it is also pink.

Kennzz 0

how am I stupid?? many people below have asked the same question. someone had to answer the door..

blondebrunette11 4

haha ur pic is saying ur comment(:

176 ops mom probably answered the door and then left her daughter with him...

I hope they had sex cuz that would've killed the mood if she just put on cloths :/

love0128 5
Kennzz 0

213 - why would OPs mom have answered the door? OP clearly states that she thought she was home alone until she found out there was a guy standing there that her mother didnt tell her was coming before she.. I dunno.. maybe left for work??

lorenzoman77 7

232 I think you misunderstood my comment...I meant that ops mom answered the door,told the guy to go to work, said she was leaving him with her daughter and left for work

Nekro_kat 1

101 your a dumbass... Re-read 96's comment-.-"

KVKdragon 26

that's the first thing you do when you get the urge to be free of clothing: check if anyone's there. pretty obvious. even if you think no one is home, always check

tylersign 11

Well, depends on the circumstances, eh? ;D

sounds like a porno I saw earlier today.

sounds like a porno I saw earlier today.

don't you mean the cirCUMstances... yeah, I know.

Agreed. Anyone could be looking :o.

this makes me want to curb up in a fetile position naked and drink water

flockz 19

so the disher washer guy had a key to your house? sounds like your mom knows him well...

#5- yeah that's what I say...who let him in??

Kennzz 0

yeah.. I'm confused. if she was home alone then who answered the door.?

noelykins1 19

ever think the mom knew her daughter was home and let the repairman come in before she left? and let her daughter watch him? plus the mom probably assumed her daughter would have clothes on.

Maybe OP lives in an apartment complex and the guy coming to fix the dishwasher was the complex's maintenance man? At least that's how it is in my complex, if you don't answer they have a key to get in.

Taurusbaybe 8

Who doesn't like a nice view at work?

actually, usually fat people are self-conscious and don't like to be naked. I know a girl that wears clothes when she showers, or that's what she told my buddy.

op should just acted like nothing was out of sorts, made small talk and went back to her room. repairman wouldn't know what to think!

blondebrunette11 4

what if they were both men...?

LoveLife293 2

ANOTHER drink? i think hes had too much already...

hockeychick52125 0
perrino123 0
TheHoboWerewolf 0

Because it's random sexy-party time!!! :D

ariannaa_fml 17

41- you took the words right out of my mouth!